Monday, October 18, 2010

Poster Itterations & Partner Critique

poster iterations


  1. 1. I really think this composition if pulled off the way we discussed it today in crit could be the best out of all of them. Taking the barcode line sections and the smoke stacks and fanning them out to form the idea of sections of gears would make a really visually interesting composition. This idea would show reflect the mechanical and industrial aspect of the west bottoms in a way that it be hard to capture in a photograph alone. The text and alignment will be changed of course.

    2. The concept of this poster is great. It reminds me a great deal of the movie poster for an inconvenient truth with smoke stack and the hurricane. The alignment is great. Watch out for artifacts from the image possibly throwing off the balance in areas around the ladder for example. I think this poster reflects the state of affairs in the west bottoms by showing it as an industry for sale. A smoke stack frozen in time with nothing burning in the furnace with a price tag hanging around its neck.

    3. Alignment on this poster should be adjusted. The bar code section and the smoke stack stick out farther than one another unless this is something you were looking for purposefully. I would suggest shifting the two sections closer together and closing up the gaps in the W E S T letter forms or at least make them simular. This is a nice exploration of another orientation though. The scale could possibly be larger. This would help cover up some of that extra space.

    4. I enjoy this concept but the alignment could be a little closer to either side to show more balance. I like your use of negative space in this poster and the little line lip that you've added to the top of each what I keep calling a "bar code".

    5. The contrast between the letter forms and the imagery in the piece is really successful. It stand out very well coupled with an interesting and balanced concept. Watch the white space on the outside of your ladder of the smoke stack. Use the background eraser tool set to a light tolerance to remove them. The photo is legible and when vectored I think will show a very strong almost obelisk like quality.

    6. Interesting use of typography in this one. I like your use of a "street" like graffiti type. This reminds me a lot of an old Easy E, or Run DMC album cover. Work on the alignment be it pos/neg with the right and left sides or line them up exactly. I wouldn't take out the left side of the photograph line in the blinds it really helps define the image as a photograph of blinds. This series of three is really nice it communicates the neighborhood really very well.

    7. Interesting choice of type, its nice to see a contrast from the street to an elegant font. Maybe size the font up a little bit? Change the alignment of "troost". Right now its higher than it is justified from the left.

    8. Out of this series I think this is the most successful because of the way "TROOST" is pushing down on the rest of the composition. Signifying the hardships of the street.

    9, 10, 11. I really like your use of pattern for your Paseo area iterations. The only thing I would suggest trying is breaking up your text more. Have fun with it. You have a great layout to hide the type in.
